Physiotherapy Self-Referral
Patients can now access a referral to NHS physiotherapy without having to see a GP. Click here to access the Southern Health & Social Care Trusts Physiotherapy Self-Referral Form.
Before proceeding, you may find it helpful to have a look at the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy exercises page, which has information and advice on exercises you can do for:
Back pain
Carpal tunnel syndrome
Foot pain
Knee pain
Neck pain
Shoulder pain
Tennis elbow
Ante-natal Self Referral
The Southern Health & Social Services Trust now offers the facility for patients to refer themselves into the ante-natal service when newly pregnant. This will save you a visit to the GP and minimise the delay in arranging your first ante-natal booking appointment. Click here to access the Maternity Services page. Through the links you will find a video giving an overview of services and some other useful information. This page also contains a link to the self referral form, which you can also access here.
If you are experiencing any issues with this form, please email